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Organizations We’ve Impacted…

5 Specific Times Our Clients Call Us

  • When there’s been a “trust breakdown” on one or more mission critical teams and you need to get them back on track right away
  • When you’ve lost one or more highly valued diverse leaders in the last 60 days and you want to ensure the drip doesn’t become a deluge
  • When one or more previously high performing leaders suddenly suffers a big drop in performance (or even leaves) citing burnout as a driving factor, and you want to prevent people from quitting en masse
  • When you realize that current leadership & talent development programs feel disjointed/haphazard and need a strategic ROI-focused overhaul ASAP
  • When you’ve reorganized or increased headcount over the last 6-12 months and need a rapid upskilling sprint to get all newly minted leaders operating at full effectiveness

Are You Ready To...



Create a steady
stream of “ready now,”
diverse leaders




Get rid of the
silos that slow
momentum down




Eliminate months of unproductive conflict
through effortless


How Can We Help?

Warp Speed Executive Forums ™

We host invitation-only, virtual executive conversations 8-10 times a year about the most pressing, mission-critical issues you’re dealing with.  

These are interactive, executive-level discussions designed to help you crowdsource best practices with peers, as well as expand your professional network.

What People Are Saying

“The only leaders you can learn from are natural born leaders, and Christy is the embodiment of a natural born leader. I could tell that from the first 5 minutes sitting with her in our one-on-one. I opened up more that I have in the last 6 months, and felt like I had known her for years. She knows her audience. This is not “leadership 101”. She makes experienced leaders better.”
~VP, Servicenow

“My organization’s engagement score has consistently gone up every month. We went from below average to far above benchmark! Our team is now full of ideas and collaboration, when they used to barely tolerate each other. We have come a long way!”

~CMO, Global Healthcare Company

“The time you spent with our leadership team, training and coaching us, was fantastic and I would highly recommend. Great insights and better alignment.”

~CEO, Consumer Products Company

Explore Our Impact

Case Studies of Success

Senior Team Alignment and Performance


Diverse Leadership Bench Development

C-Suite Team Alignment Post-Merger


Sustainable Leadership Development Solution


Growth Mindset and Reduced Burnout


CSR and Employee Engagement